Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Random Ramble: Bonding With Your Children Through Books (GUEST POST!)

Today on the blog we have a very special guest post from none other than my mom. You may remember her as the totally awesome person who transports us to and from signings in New York City because she is the best mom ever. Without her, we would probably attempt to walk all the way to New York, so thanks for making sure we don't die trying to get ourselves to the city Mom! Without further ado, here's her post about how she has bonded with her kids through books.

Bonding through Books

Hi all, I am Megan's mom. The girls were nice enough to let me join their blog to answer some of the many questions that I get asked being a parent of a book-aholic and maybe help some other parents bond with their kids over books.

The first assumption many people make is that I too am a prolific reader and that must be where Megan's love of reading originated. The fact is, I am partially dyslexic and reading had always been a struggle for me so no, I don't read often. If anything, Megan has gotten me to read more. Whether it is meeting an author at a book signing, or simply listening to Megan, Rachel and Katherine talk non-stop about books I have become a YA fan myself. The category didn't exist when I was a YA (we won't mention how old I am now). Back then there were just "books" and most of what we read for school were "the classics", which I often had trouble relating to. I am glad there are authors today writing about topics everyone can relate to.

I am also so thankful for the authors, publishers, bookstore owners and other people in the literature world that have encouraged and supported the girls in their efforts working on this blog. It is one thing to hear stories and receive pats on the back from your Mom, but a totally different thing when an author or publisher takes the time to speak with them. Everyone has always been so nice, enthusiastic and reassuring.  I have come to look forward to our trips to signings and talks almost as much as the girls.

One of my favorite memories is sitting in bumper to bumper traffic for three hours trying to get through the Lincoln Tunnel on our way to Books of Wonder, our favorite bookstore. Normally, the trip door-to-door isn't more than 1.5 hours, but this day we were within eye site of the tunnel, but just sat there. As the start of the book signing neared the tension in the car grew. We had brought my son with us this trip (his first and only book signing adventure) and every few minutes he would look at the GPS and read the estimated time of arrival out loud to the group. "We only have five more miles guys, we will be there in 10 minutes." The problem was the car wasn't moving so this little tidbit was as accurate as it was helpful. I wasn't sure if the girls were going to strangle him or jump out of the car and try to swim the Hudson instead. In the end, we did make it in time, the girls were on cloud nine, and all ended well. This is now a continual joke with each trip into NYC and is a memory I will cherish forever. Some people say the girls are lucky I offer to bring them into the city etc., but in reality I am the lucky one - they have let me share a piece of their world and I treasure it.

What do you think about bonding with children through books? Have you bonded with your parents/kids through a love of reading and books? Let us know in the comments below! 

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful post, and what a great idea to have your mom on here! That book signing trip sounds like a fun adventure! When I was younger, I loved when my mom read to me, and even today my mom and I talk books, because she loves them, but like you, my dad isn't a big reader, but he always too interests in what I liked as well.
