Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Seven #6

Today's topic is...

 Books With Love Triangles

Ahhhh, love triangles. A popular theme in YA. Sometimes they appear to be placed in the story for absolutely no reason. Sometimes they are done in such a way where Boy 1 is SO OBVIOUSLY the one she's going to pick and what's the point of even having Boy 2. And then, sometimes, there are books with love triangles that are done really well. So well that many readers can't even pick a team. The following books all have love triangles that we believe work really well in the story, and they are pretty much split 50/50 so that it's almost impossible to choose who we like better.

Rachel: Jack is sweet and swoonworthy and an amazing boyfriend to Nikki. But then there's Cole, who is dark and sexy and the ultimate bad boy. I think it's safe to say that Jack is kind of perfect for Nikki. But there is something about Cole that is just so attractive. 
It's a tough decision, but I'd have to say I'm on TEAM COLE. I don't care if he's a little bit evil or whatever. He plays the guitar!!

2. Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally
Rachel: Ty Green is the superhot new guy at school who also happens to be an amazing quarterback. Henry is Jordan's lifelong best friend who maybe wants to be more than friends. Both of their personalities work really well with Jordan's, and I think she could be happy with either one of them.
That said, I'm gonna go with TEAM HENRY because he's sweet and funny and I love that he's the best-friend-turned-boyfriend type of character.

Megan: Even though Ty is competition for Jordan's spot, he really cares about making sure that she's happy and playing the best she can. He also has a lot of respect for her and her abilities as a quarterback. And then there is Henry, Jordan's best friend since forever who is always there for her. If she gets hurt or needs anything at all, he's always the first one at her side. 

With both of their good qualities in mind..... TEAM HENRY because I absolutely love how much he cares for Jordan. Henry is definitely going to take care of Jordan.

3. A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies
Rachel: This love triangle is kind of amazing. The two boys are complete opposites in every way imaginable. Asher's all dark and wild and funny and loud. Devin's all light and serious and quiet and mysterious. Skye can't help but have feelings for both of them, because hello, they are both kind of amazing.
Devin's great and everything, but personally, I prefer Asher. TEAM ASHER all the way.

4. Unearthly/Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
Rachel: Christian is literally the boy of Clara's dreams. But Tucker is all cute and sweet and perfect with his cowboy boots and his small-town charm. With Christian, it's a bit complicated. But with Tucker, everything just comes naturally.
When I read the first book, I was totally TEAM TUCKER. But after reading the second book...I think I've switched teams. Which is so crazy. But yeah, I guess I'm TEAM CHRISTIAN now. (I'm so sorry Tucker! I can't help it! Christian snuck up on me and made me fall for him! There was nothing I could do about it!)

5. Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
Rachel: So a lot of love triangles have the Good Guy vs. Bad Boy thing going on. But in this book, it's basically Bad Boy vs. Bad Boy. And, okay, I'm not exactly proud of this, but I'm a total sucker for Bad Boys in fiction. So I think Will and Elliott are just amazing. They each have a really interesting relationship with Araby, and oh my god I love these boys.
TEAM ELLIOT. He wins by only about one percent because I seriously am so in love with both Will and Elliot.

Megan: Rachel and I tend to have the same opinion on a lot of things. The fact that fictional Bad Boys are definitely hot. So stick two of them next to each other in one book and it is basically guaranteed that I will love them.
TEAM WILL. I know, I know. Rachel and I disagreed. But that should really show just how close these two boys are to each other. I'm completely in love with both Will and Elliott, but Will edges Elliott out by just a bit.

6. City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
Rachel: This love triangle is interesting because it's with the more minor characters. Simon is torn between Maia and Isabelle, who are both gorgeous and badass and amazing. I could totally see him ending up with either one of them.
TEAM ISABELLE. As much as I love the relationship between Simon and Maia, there's something about Isabelle and Simon together that I think is just perfect.

Megan: Isabelle is the girl Simon couldn't take his eyes off of from the first moment he saw her. Maia is the girl he became who quickly became one of his best friends and then something a tiny bit more. And he just can't choose.
Me, I choose TEAM ISABELLE. Maia and Simon definitely have something, but for some reason I see Isabelle and Simon together in a more romantic way.

7. Clockwork Angel/Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
Rachel: And we've saved the best for last! This love triangle is something I could talk about for hours, so I'll keep it short and sweet. Jem and Will are best friends, pretty much the closest friends in the entire world. And Tessa is kind of in love with both of them. And Jem and Will are both in love with Tessa. So not only is Tessa torn between two different people, she's torn between two people who love each other and would never ever ever want to hurt each other. 
This is the one case where I am completely unable to pick a team. I have so much love for both Will and Jem and I honestly have no idea who Tessa will end up with.

Megan: This love triangle is completely and totally perfect. I could also rave about how awesome it is for hours, but I will try my best to condense it. Jem and Will are parabatai and they are as close as brothers. Then they both fall in love with Tessa who just happens to be in love with both of them too. So how can she choose either one of them when they love each other as much as they love her?
Do NOT ever ask me to pick a team in this love triangle. Because I absolutely can not do it. Will and Jem are both so perfect in completely different ways. I love them both and I definitely can't guess who Tessa is going to end up with in the end.

Do you have any ideas for future Saturday Seven topics? Can you think of any other really good love triangles? Let us know in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. When I read Unearthly I was all TUCKER!! But reading Hallowed I was just kind of like...nobody...? I mean, Christian is nice and all, but I just don't really dig him. And then Tucker just wasn't quite the same. I missed his snark and he was just a little too "country boy" for me the second time around, if that even makes sense :P
