Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday Seven #4

Our topic this week is...
 Books That Take Place in a Really Short Period of Time

The following books are all fast-paced and difficult to put down, so they're perfect for reading in one sitting. Most of these books take place in about a day, maybe a little bit more.

Rachel: I feel like I will never be able to recommend this book enough. It's about a girl who is in a car accident with her family, and she has a sort of out-of-body experience at the hospital. I remember when I first read this book. I sat down, intending to read a few pages, and about three hours later, I turned the last page, tears streaming down my face. The characters are amazing and funny and real and the story is absolutely mesmerizing. If I Stay is one of my favorite books ever.

Megan: I think you spent longer trying to make me find time to read this than you did actually reading was definitely worth it though. This book was so powerful, and the fact that I literally couldn't put it down made it so much better. One of the best books I've ever read.
Rachel: This is the sequel to If I Stay, picking up three years later--from a different character's point of view. Just like the first book, this story is incredibly captivating, and I like it even more than If I Stay. Also: ADAMMMMMMMMMM!

Rachel: *sighs* THISBOOK. It's just so cute and fun. It's about two characters who meet in the airport and spend a lot of time on the plane together and get to know each other and MAYBE JUST MAYBE FALL IN LOVE IDK YOU'LL HAVE TO READ TO FIND OUT. I read this book in one sitting without even realizing it. I just couldn't stop flipping pages.

Megan: *smiles* This book makes me happy just thinking about it. OLIVER. *swoons* I read this when I was home sick, and it made me feel so much better. I read the entire thing before I even realized what had happened. AND I LOVED IT. Definitely a cute, fast read.

Rachel: HOLY AMAZING AUTHORS, BATMAN. A book written by these three geniuses has to be good, right? There are three different main characters, and three different stories, but they are all intertwined. It takes place on Christmas and Christmas Eve, so there is snow and hot chocolate and magic. I've decided that every Christmas, I will spend the day reading this book, because it makes me so happy.

Megan: YES. This is the perfect book to read curled up on the couch with hot chocolate and a ton of blankets. All three of the stories start completely separate from each other, and by the time you get to the end of the third, they're all connected in the most unexpected ways ever. I LOVE THIS BOOK. Because really, Maureen Johnson, John Green, and Lauren Myracle all together? How the heck can the book not be amazing??

Rachel: I have SO MANY FEELINGS about this book. It's about suicide and bullying and teenage drama and high school and relationships and bad decisions. The story follows the main character, Clay, as he finds a box of tapes and starts listening to the tales of Hannah Baker, a friend of his who recently committed suicide. She leaves cassette tapes behind explaining her reasons for ending her life--specifically, the thirteen people she blames. This book has the potential to be heavy and sad and depressing, but it is written in such a way that it is more suspenseful than anything. Once you start reading, it's almost impossible to put this book down.

Megan: You would think a book about such a heavy topic would be a slow read. Nothing about the suicide, bullying, and bad decisions in this book are easy to read. The characters are pretty terrible to each other. But Jay Asher blends together the terrible things with suspense in such a perfect way that you literally can't put this book down. 

Rachel: This book kind of takes place in a day. But not really. It's complicated, you see. Before I Fall is about a girl who, for reasons that she doesn't understand at all, relives the day of her death over and over--seven times, actually. It's like she gets the chance to do better each time she lives that fateful day again. She tries to right wrongs and say goodbyes and appreciate the people and things around her. It's a beautiful story about an unlikable main character that you grow to love and understand.

Megan: I really, really liked this book! Which I realize I say a lot, but Lauren Oliver is amazing. She takes a really unlikable character and changes her around until she becomes someone that I could really understand. This story is pretty heartbreaking as Sam tries to make up for all of the wrongs in her life before she can move on.

7. Fateful by Claudia Gray
 Rachel: WEREWOLVES ON THE TITANIC, PEOPLE. Werewolves on the freaking Titanic! Need I say more?

Megan: YES. TITANIC. WEREWOLVES. ROMANCE. AND SWOONY, SWOONY BOYS. Nothing else needs to be said!

Have you read any of these books? Share your thoughts in the comments. :)

Also, if you have any ideas for future Saturday Seven topics, let us know!

1 comment:

  1. Statistical Probability is SO. Freaking. Fantastic! It was so cute and serious and fun and swoony. I do love me some Oliver ;]
