Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rachel's Favorite Books of 2011 Part 2

So I had this post all typed out and it was just so beautiful and then Megan posted her list and it was the exact same thing as this.
I'm genuinely starting to worry that we have the same brain.
The only reason I'm posting this is because, to be honest, I put a lot of work into typing this up instead of doing homework. Procrastinating is hard.

So, anyway. This is my take on the list of books Megan posted a few days ago.

This year was an AMAZING year for debut authors. Every single one of these books has a sequel coming out soon(ish) that I am EAGERLY ANTICIPATING. These books are the books that I have read multiple times because they're JUSTSOGOOD.

1.The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
YOU GUYS I TOTALLY MET MICHELLE HODKIN JUST SAYING AHHHH! *clears throat* I am a professional! *crickets* Oh, who am I kidding? NOAH FREAKING SHAW!?!?! Okay. I think it's out of my system. This book is towards the very top of my favorite books of 2011 list, for a variety of reasons. It's new and fresh and original, it has a superhot guy in it, Mara is a totally awesome and badass protagonist, it's creepy, it's funny, it's suspenseful, it's interesting, it's unlike any other book. So, yeah. Just.. please read it if you haven't. Or else I will come to your house and ramble about how hot Noah is in your ear for hours. *smiles innocently*

2. Shatter Me by Taherah Mafi
I actually just reread this book because I love it so much. Shatter Me is pretty much the best thing ever. Juliette is one of my favorite main characters...ever. She's really tough and badass and awesome, but at the same time very vulnerable and normal and easy to relate to. And Adam is so hot omg so freaking hot a very interesting character that I am quite fond of. Also, I kind of have a soft spot for Warner. Because, well... HE'S MISUNDERSTOOD, IS ALL. Basically, this book is SOFREAKINGGOOD!!!!!!! a very entertaining read that I enjoyed very much.

3. Divergent by Veronica Roth
Ahhhh. Divergent. I remember reading this in the spring, hiding the book under my desk during school and hoping the teacher didn't notice. Good times. Tris is officially my favorite protagonist from a 2011 book. Possibly my favorite protagonist of ALL TIME. I want to be her. And Four? *swoons* FOUR IS THE BEST THING EVER. Even if this book wasn't amazing in every way possible, I would still love it because of Four. So. If you haven't read this book, there is probably something wrong with you. No offense. But really. Go read it now. EVERYONE has been buzzing about Divergent, and I keep seeing it pop up on Best of 2011 lists. So this is no exception. I just love this book so much, you guys.

4. Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
Two words, my friends: DEMIGODS and HOTGUYS. Holy crap. This book combines romance with Greek mythology, and it's pretty freaking awesome. It's very unique and LucasLucasLucasLucas *coughs* Ahem. I appear to have gotten sidetracked. Anyway. This is one of the most EPIC LOVE STORIES EVER. Forbidden love is taken to a whole new level. The supporting characters in this book are AMAZING, so Starcrossed is not only romantic and epic and actiony, but it's comical too. This book was one of those books that made me laugh and cry and throw things in frustration. Which is really all I want from a book.

5. Wither by Lauren Destefano
I TOTALLY MET LAUREN DESTEFANO TOO! AT BOOKS OF WONDER AN AWESOME BOOKSTORE OMG! I apologize for the fangirling, but it had to be done. Because this book totally deserves it. I was first intrigued by the awesome (and creepy) book trailer months ago, and I bought this book the week it came out because I JUST HAD TO READ IT IMMEDIATELY. And it was so worth it. Wither lived up to my superhigh expectations. From the first page, I knew this book was going to be different. It was new and fresh and kind of terrifying and creepy and disturbing. And I love it so much.

6. Die For Me by Amy Plum
Last but not least, Die For Me! Basically, all you need to know is this: Sexy. Zombies. Seriously. I am mentally dating Vincent. *giggles* And this book is set in PARIS, which makes it a thousand times more romantic! I just... THISBOOK. I did a whole lot of SWOONING when I read this. Which, okay, I was swooning over guys in every single one of the books on this list. But Vincent is FRENCH. !!!!!! Sorry for the inability to form, like, coherent sentences. But this book is just amazing and I can't possibly be cool and calm and collected about it. So, yeah. If you want to meet a hot guy named Vincent, read this book immediately.

So, yeah. A great year for debut authors. I can't wait to get my hands on the sequels:)

P.S. Happy New Year :D

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